24 April, 2007

Q & A time, part 1

Ok, so since I can't really think of anything to write about recently (the unzen trip was fun, but also a bit boring. We sat in a tub. :P) I've decided to try to make this a little more interactive. I'll give you guys until this time next week to come up with some questions for me, and then next week, I will post some answers. It can be questions about pretty much anything: school life, class schedule, things to do for fun, etc.

That being said, the first questions have already been asked. Looking back on comments:


Soo... uhm. run into any neko girls or goddesses yet?
March 29, 2007 12:36 PM - Scott Jacobs

Not as of yet. Sorry to disappoint. :)


How would I be able to send pics to you?
April 7, 2007 4:44 PM - Dustin

All of my contact information is here now:
Email remains the same, christopher.kruse@clarke.edu or mystic.enigma@gmail.com
Phone number: 090.1362.5683 (is mobile, but I get free incoming.)
Address (for mailing purposes): Nagasaki-shi Hanaokamachi Mine's Bldg. Apt. 602
I haven't touched skype since I've been here, but I should be starting on that when I get internet in my room.


So classes meet once a week? For how long and what classes are you taking bro?
April 10, 2007 8:20 AM - Cassy

My schedule is as follows:
Monday: 10:40-12:10 Japanese History, 1:10-2:40 Contemporary Japanese Literature
Tuesday: 9:00-10:30 Japanese Culture, 10:40-12:10 Intro to Japanese Language
Wednesday: 9:00-10:30 Intro to Japanese Language
Thursday: 10:40-12:10 Japanese Business, 1:10-2:40 Intro to Japanese Lang, 2:50-4:20 Seminar in Japanese Film Study
Friday: 1:10-2:40 Intro to Japanese Lang
Choir meets Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday at 6 PM. T/F 2 hours long, Th 1 hour long.


Smidge wants to know if there are any vending machines that sell freshly cooked meat products, like burgers or chicken.
April 18, 2007 3:27 PM - Apparently, Smidge

Haven't seen too many out-of-the-ordinary vending machines. Weirdest I've seen so far has been Beer machines. I'm in a small city though. Nagasaki's considered the Boonies. :)


Keep the questions firing, and I'll talk to you guys all next week, and give some answers! Also, new pics from Unzen are up at flickr. Check 'em out too. I'll be going on a drive with the choir on Saturday, so I'll probably have some pictures from that too. Until then!


Anonymous said...

Even though you have only been gone for about a month, what is the most you miss about Illinois and Iowa?

Are kids in Japan just as individual as here in the United States? Do they have funky hairdos too? :)

Do you spend a lot of time with your home family?

Anonymous said...

What kinda of English slang is popular?

What weird questions do you get asked from 'the natives'?

Anything you want to stock up on before you come home?

What have you found most difficult about fitting in so far?

Will you get to see a tea ceremony?

Have any cats bitten you, perhaps daily?

Any fun fashion trends you've noticed?

Is there more national news coverage than the US?

Is there something you didn't bring with that you wish you had?

Have you had any dreams in japanese, or do you think in japanese yet?

Am I getting annoying yet?

Is there a question you want someone to ask just so you can answer it?

Is anyone there on gaiaonline?

Have you met any men that seem like creepy schoolgirl stalkers? (Perhaps with mouths constantly hanging open?)

Do you take showers or baths?

Do you wear different shoes for school and house slippers when you're home?

Do people ask to talk to you in English just so they can practice their English speaking? I've heard this happens.

Have you seen any of those mechanical robot pets for sale? I saw a video about robotic cats and chicks and such, and they were creepy.

Any Daruma dolls? I bought one for my Asian Philosophy class here, and he's a cutie.

Do you have a lot of homework compared to Clarke?

Is your class going to have a festival or fair of some sort?

What kinds of songs does your choir sing? How many people are in it? SATB?

Okay that's all I have for now, hope you're having fun. I'll try to be online more often, but I'm pretty sure I'm usually sleeping when you're online! Miss ya, Kerrie

Anonymous said...

Since you have classes once a week like that, do you usually do your homework from that days class or do you wait until the night before or what? Doesn't it make it hard to remember what you learned the week before?

Anonymous said...

Awesome pictures Chris! Sorry I haven't read/written lately. Time flies, as usual. Are there any plans for concerts with your choir?

Anonymous said...

you should go to a kabuki theatre I have been told. I don't know how much Japanese you are using. Do you speak it mostly or "American"? Let us know.

Anonymous said...

Completely unrelated, but you got elected as secretary of Computer Club for next year. :)

- Brian

Anonymous said...

j00|2 534|2(|-| - http://offtonippon.blogspot.com/ - c|1c| |\|07 |\/|4+(|-| 4|\|y c|0(V|\/|3|\|+5. 5|-|17!!!!

this is actually what it said when i searched in google with the hacker language on!!!!!!

Thought you would enjoy it8)>
(sticking tounge out at you!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Just a few quick questions...

What is the best thing you've eaten while over there?

How often do you actually eat rice?

Does the water swirl in the toilet clockwise or counterclockwise?

How is the climate? Get sunburned yet?

Meet any interesting ladies? ^.^

What is your favorite word that you've learned while over there?

Have you said anything naughty or disturbing or impolite by accident? On purpose? ;)

Have you seen anyone playing pokemon yet? (I have been...a lot.)

Do you miss me? Are you ready for next year? (We've been having a bit of preapartment bonding time, and we notice the gap you've left <3)

Speaking of the apartment, will you support my ban on pants between the hours of 1am and 6am in the apartment? This seems random, but trust me, it's crucial.

What time do you land in Chicago on the return trip, and on what day? (It may be the same day as me, in which case we'll have to set up a rendesvous).

Speaking of French, I have one final very important Question:

Do you hear the people sing? Singing the songs of angry men?