24 February, 2007

Weather Woes

It's just that kind of day today - yuck and blah. Anyone living in the midwest, you know exactly what I'm talking about; it's not rain, and it ain't snow... we're getting ICE CHUNKS. Absolutely disgusting. I Headed home from work early today, because business was slow (hmm... not many people want to come out and eat when the chance that they wreck along the way is about 50/50...) and that I'm the person that lives farthest away from the restaurant. Not much extra happening about my trip - a while ago, but after the last entry here, my Mom and I went out and got some of my travel gear; among it was a luggage set that, while really unnecessary to get (because we had luggage here), works really nicely and will be easy to spot coming out of baggage claims. It's bright red, with fluorescent green tags. Check it out:

Yes, I know - I said that it had GREEN tags. Keep in mind I also said fluorescent. They seemed to react to the camera's flash when I took the picture. Trust me, though... they're green.

Anywho, back to the point (if there was one). Ice storm. It hit around 9:45 around here, starting as freezing rain. Nasty stuff, there. Once it hits something, it's frozen. Take the cars in the parking lot at work, for example. There were people coming out of the restaurant and scraping their cars off. Mine didn't have much luck escaping the weather, either:

So yeah, it's pretty much disgusting out. I love how you can see the ice actually coming down in the last pic, but I hate the fact that the ice is there. Hopefully this'll all be gone by the time I have to leave on Monday morning for the Consulate.

Have a blast, everyone, and keep warm. It's nasty out there...


Anonymous said...

Let me know when the power comes back on.

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear the power is up and running...