I headed up to Dubuque on Monday for a concert. I've waited almost 12 years to see Rockapella live, and I finally had the option to. I had work off on Monday and Tuesday, so I made a nice stay out of the trip too. The concert was amazing - all of them were wonderful musicians, and most of them were genuinely interested in what was going on around them. One was a bit hasty, trying to get me through as quickly as possible through the autograph line, but I can understand that. The one tenor, Kevin Wright, was very nice, and we had a good conversation about everything. He even took a written link to here (I had an extra scrap of paper handy, and wrote it down.)

Here's a picture of me with some of my friends with Rockapella behind us.From Top to Bottom, Left to Right, we have Kevin Wright, Stephanie Goedkin, George Baldi, moi, Scott Leonard, Kristin Purcell, Jeff Thatcher, Megan Mooney, and John K. Brown.
It was an awesome concert. Sean (Megan's brother, and one of the best people you will ever meet [just don't touch him, he's contact - ophobic]) had said that it's all right: he can die happy now. Spent the night over in Sean's room. He's got a comfy couch, but it's a bit short. Can't complain though, since I was randomly crashing there anyway.
Tuesday came and went, it was pretty uneventful. Got my Deposit slips for my bank ordered, and they arrived here today with no problem. Now if it's needed, my mom can send money to my bank, and I can pull it out with my atm card in Japan. All will be well. I keep feeling that I'm going to run short on money, though. Something will never really add up, but that's inevitable. You always have some things that will nag at you. My personal ones are finances, and forgetting to bring something. I'll pack and repack everything probably 5 times before my trip, just to make sure that there isn't a chance that I'll forget anything while I'm over there.
I leave in 10 days and 7 hours... It's getting interesting. The nervousness that I felt a couple weeks ago left and came back again, but it's left again. It's kinda back and forth on a lot of things.
Info: I found out some things about my home-stay. I'll be staying with 多田 由美子 (Tada Yumiko, for those without Eastern language support). She is a landlady at the building that I'll be staying at, and lives with her daughter, 森 裕子 (Mori Yuko), her daughter's husband, 森 春樹 (Mori Haruki), and their 22-month-old triplets, 森 しゅんたろ (Mori Shuntaro), 森 せいらん (Mori Seiran), and 森 水練 (Mori Suiren). It's about 20 minutes away from the college, by bus.
Oh, if you couldn't tell, I figured out a way to do my kanji/kana on my laptop. Kyoya-kun has been very helpful. :)
PS: Yumiko-san, if you are reading this, my apologies to the first two children - the Kanji didn't look right for their names, and so I used the hiragana instead. ごめん なさい。 Hopefully I got everyone else's name right.
No... It was the ticket to the Robert Kennedy lecture earlier last term, that I gave to Stephanie because she lost hers.
I'm not that pathetic. :)
Good for people to know.
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