Sorry about not posting for a while... things have been a bit busy, and I haven't touched my computer in days - which is quite the feat.
I went up to Dubuque on last Wednesday/Thursday to take care of some business, and also to get my tuition reimbursment check. The check was nice... I'm expecting people to be asking for "borrowing money." Sorry, guys - all of that goes to my trip. On the weekend, we went out and used some that I paid back to my mom (I owed her a bit for car payments), and managed to buy a new DVD player, coffee pot, microwave, tv antenna, and some stuff for my new job. Monday, I went in for my first day of work. It went well - I was trained for the greeting line (getting people their drinks, silverware, and running them through the cash register), and quickly took the hang of it. There are some things that I still need to be shown (temp checks are the biggest - making sure that everything's at the right temperature), but I'll pick it up soon enough. I would have gone in today, but it snowed over the past day; there was enough snow that I got out to my main road to Davenport in 30 minutes, instead of the normal 5. I pulled over at the Rock Island County Animal Control Center, and hung out there for a while, so that plows could come through and so the snow would die down. I came home after calling to tell them I couldn't make it. It turned out to be an all right day, however.
I got my partial schedule for school while I was up at Clarke Wednesday. Seems that Clarke is going to be getting rid of it's Computer Science division, so they're going to be running all of us through in three semesters; I finally get a schedule that I like - many different major studies classes in one term.
On Monday, I bought my plane tickets. Going through a travel agent in our mall in Moline, I picked up a round-trip ticket for my trip at a nice, low price of $1402.
Cutting a bit short here. I'll put more up later.